Brrr, it's chilly outside. Perfect stitching weather

It's July and the weather has finally cooled right down and we are in winter. I have been busy with ordering and organising for the shop and upcoming classes. I have also been checking over my stash and doing some mental organising of it and myself!

Mostly I have been stitching on my English Band Sampler and I had a small celebration when I completely finished Band 4, the honeysuckle border last week. This band is the centre one, it is the largest one and also very densely stitched. So I am chuffed it is complete. The gold makes it sing. Six more bands to go, four of them are quite far along so I am happy with my progress.

My A Peacock, A Unicorn, A Badger has had a little bit of love. The colours for the motifs are spectacular, this month I stitched one that looks like a giant chupa chup or lollipop growing out of a branch. I also got a flower and some leaves in. I started to fill in some of the background section in one area and couldn't believe how excited I was to get it in, it will be a long slog to do but breaking it up will help. It looks amazing with the green background on the tiny piece I have done!

Way back in 2013 I stitched Carolyn Pearce's Home Sweet Home piece. This cute little workbox and stitching goodies are stitched in a variety of stitches and embellished with charms. I did change a few wee bits, but not loads. Over the last year I have been working with a group through the shop to stitch and create their own versions. Last weekend we held the construction weekend and worked on building the house. Instead of hand cutting all of the walls, roof and tray I got kits cut to size from my fabulous framer. Oh so much easier than doing it all by hand as I originally did! The ladies did a spectacular job and I am looking forward to seeing their completed little houses soon. When they released the 10th Anniversary edition of the book in 2021 there were 3 new accompanying patterns. So I have 3 more little stitches to do to add them to a project I thought was complete! Oh well, the original version is complete. I hope I still have the lining fabric I used, I think I need it for one of the pieces and it is no longer made. Below is my set when I finished it in 2013.

So apart from thinking about those wee goodies that need to be stitched. I have been cataloging my stash. I am creating entries of each project that I own. Some were classes and others kits. Some are patterns alone and others I have gathered all or some of the materials needed. I want to do this so I can make a plan to achieve stitching on them. Some of the bigger projects will take months and some will be quick. But I have chosen each project because I like it and I would like to get the enjoyment of making out of them. Currently I feel like I am not using my time as productively as I could. When I am finished I will print out the pages and store them in a folder. That way I can make notes, add or remove pages as needed and enjoy looking through my stash of projects to work. 
