Stitches Going In & Progress Is Being Made.

I'm disappointed this morning as I had a blog post all written and ready to go and it has disappeared. Oh well, nothing for it but to try and re-write it, so here goes.

I've been making good progress with my piles of unfinished stitching I spent a week or so working a couple of nights on each project and am now creating a small pile that needs fully finished. I'm not ready to fully finish them at the moment so they can wait a little while, but it's good to get some items off the to be stitched list.

Most importantly I finished my exhibition piece, the exhibition is not until July so I will talk more about my piece then.

I had a couple of rough days and was watching Carol: The Saltbox Stitcher on flosstube when I noticed on the wall behind her a sampler that I have loved for quite some time. I bought a kit and the pattern for it way back in 2020 and hadn't started it yet. I knew exactly where it was so I retrieved it and started on it. Usually I stitch all of the borders and then fill in the fun central bit. But because I was feeling a little low I threw caution to the wind and started in the middle with that gorgeous tree. The sampler is Isabella Fox by Gigi R. The colours I have are spectacular, they make my heart sing. I love Gigi R and have quite a few of her samplers I would love to stitch for my walls.

This is my current progress on Isabella Fox

Since then I have mostly been caught up in my PUB sampler. I have worked on it most days in the last few weeks and can see the progress. I have put in mostly motifs and will go back and either fill them in or the background in as I feel. I won't stitch any of the water area until I am further through with the background and motifs. The satin stitch of the water will be the last area I stitch. I am very happy with my progress on this piece it is filling in nicely.

And finally, a lovely friend visited with me and we worked on an idea I had to create a travel sewing case kit. We had a great time creating them and were very happy with our results. The pattern is now written and it is hot off the press and will be stocked in my shop Stitch Witches in the next week or so. I have plans to create more in different colourways and the beauty of them is that individuals can change up the fabric to their own personal taste.

